A Dynamic Programming Solution to Bounded Dejittering Problems

Lukas F. Lang


We propose a dynamic programming solution to image dejittering problems with bounded displacements and obtain efficient algorithms for the removal of line jitter, line pixel jitter, and pixel jitter.


@techreport{Lan17_report, author = {Lang, L.~F.}, title = {A Dynamic Programming Solution to Bounded Dejittering Problems}, institution= {University of Vienna, Austria}, number = {arXiv:1703.09161}, type = {Preprint on ArXiv}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.09161}, year = {2017} }

Paper: Postprint


Download: https://bitbucket.org/lukaslang/lpdj


Computational Science Center
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Vienna

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1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-55771